The first meeting of the Good Neighbour Committee of the Douglas Mental Health University Institute was held December 3 in Douglas Hall with 25 citizens from the area in attendance. For over two hours, residents and Douglas representatives discussed the functioning of the Committee, the evolving
relationship between citizens and the Douglas over the years, and the infrastructure development project of the Institute.
"We were very pleased with the first Good Neighbour Committee meeting. The discussions were rewarding and constructive. We are confident this approach will build relationships based on mutual respect and trust. We are committed to developing the infrastructure development project in a way that addresses the needs of our care clinics, the principles of sustainable development and the concerns of citizens,” said Lynne McVey, Executive
Director of the Douglas Mental Health University Institute.
By the end of the evening, seven people had already registered to become Committee members. Citizens wishing to join the Committee are invited to contact Marie france Coutu at the address mentioned below. The next committee meeting will be held in May 2014.
For reference purposes and for residents who were not able to attend the December 3 meeting, the Douglas has posted a report of the meeting for citizens on the "Good neighbours" page of its website, along with a video of each presentation. Reports will also be posted for all future Committee meetings.
Florence Meney
Media Relation
Communications and public affairs
Phone: 514-761-6131, ext. 2769
Cell.: 514-835-3236