
Everyone wants to have perfect health. Undoubtedly, very few would refuse a super pill if it would make this wish come true. Such a super pill does not exist for the time being, but physical activity, in any form, accessible to all, is the closest thing to it.

As the new year approaches, many of us make wish and take sincere resolutions to start an exercise program. This is very well, but such an objective, to be successful, does not come without sustained effort. This pseudo super pill called ‘’physical activity’’ is not one of those pills to be taken with a glass of water for the ailment to just go away. We have to attack the task at hand to recoup the numerous benefits and there is every indication that the effort is well worth the pain.

There is much proof that demonstrates the benefits of physical activity on health.
Let us not forget its protective effects against cardiovascular disease (hypertension and cholesterol), weight gain, certain types of cancers, diabetes, stress, anxiety, depression, osteoporosis, muscular weakness, risks of falls and fractures, which are only a few.

To reach a reduction of the risk of these chronic pathologies, we must undertake the equivalent of 30 minutes of rapid walking per day (in several sessions, since the benefits accumulate). It is not always easy to start and most importantly to pursue such an endevour with a good dose of determination and will as well as a few drops of discipline. In this fast-paced life that we lead, it is sometimes the only activity of the day that we can do for ourselves.

It is therefore important to stop a minute and tell ourselves : ‘’Today, I have to do something for myself’’. If we take the habit of exercising at least 30 minutes a day, as much as we do other routine tasks, this good habit will quickly become a part of our lives and it will become difficult to go without it. It is imperative that we pay attention to events that may break our routine, such as trips or unpredictable events. When these occur, it is important to get back on track as quickly as possible. The longer we stay inactive, the harder it will become and the ‘’super pill’’ will seem bitter.

Finally, do not forget, that it is not necessary to join a gym or become an athlete to benefit from the super pill’s advantages. Even without a very structured regimen, we can chose a physical activity that matches our preferences, habits and physical condition. You will enjoy feeling better. This is my sincere wish for each one of my readers on the eve of this New Year.

Willine R. Rozefort, MD, MSc., CCMF, FCMF