Hargreaves Thermal Sensitivity Test
This test is used to measure the sensitivity to the pain via the spinal primary answer. A radiant source is placed under the paw of the animal. The reaction leg withdrawal time is calculated.
Von Frey Hair
Test used to check the tactile sensitivity of the animal by applying metal stems with increasing diameters and pressures. The reaction time of the withdrawal of the leg gives an indication on its tactile sensitivity.
Conditioned Taste Aversion
The conditioned taste aversion task can be used to assess any negative gastro-intestinal effects of psychoactive compounds. A novel, palatable substance (e.g. sugar water) is paired with injection of the psychoactive drug. If the drug does induce gastro-intestinal distress, this will be associated with ingestion of the novel compound, and the animal will subsequently reduce (if not eliminate) its consumptions of the novel compound.
Tail Flick
This is a spinally-mediated test of thermal sensitivity that measures the latency of the animal to remove its tail from a radiant heat source.
Formalin Test
This is a test on chronic (more prolonged) pain that measures the animals' reaction (lifting, licking) to an injection of a dilute formalin into the plantar region of a hind paw.