Section : News
Mental health experts gather during Mental Illness Awareness Week - Douglas hosts symposium and public debate
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Stressed about Starting High School ? Douglas pilots program to help children and teens adapt
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For the second year, the Douglas Mental Health University Institute is offering the 2007 Mini-Psych School.
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Researchers identify area of brain where social memories are stored.
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Every morning, it’s the same story. You’re racked with guilt at the thought of leaving your child at daycare. At work, you find your boss too demanding, you don’t have the time you need to get your job done, and work is piling up. Th
Section : News
Au cours des derniers mois, certains événements traités dans les médias ont pu toucher notre perception des personnes qui présentent une déficience intellectuelle et soulever des interrogations quant à
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Douglas Researchers pack their bags Scientists leave for DC to present newest findings at eminent international conference Verdun, November 8, 2005 – Almost one third of Douglas researchers are packing their bags and heading off to Washing
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Michael Meaney, PhD's research have shown that a mother's touch may not only be a comforting and pleasant experience for her child, but may also be a means by which genes involved in shaping our response to stress get turned on or off.
Section : News
Highs and Lows: Douglas Hospital discusses bipolar disorders
Section : Mental Health Info
In the case of special needs adolescents who have dyspraxia or a mild intellectual disability, how would depression appear?