Section : Mental Health Info
If depression is partly due to brain chemistry, do people need to take medication their entire lives?
Section : Mental Health Info
Does depression in children depend on their temperament?
Section : Mental Health Info
How do you make young children aware that they are hurting someone else?
Section : Mental Health Info
Can aggressive behaviour in teens also mask an anxiety disorder or drug abuse?
Section : Mental Health Info
Do we know why some patients don’t gain any insight into their illness, especially in paranoid schizophrenia?
Section : Mental Health Info
What comes first in psychotic disorders: the brain abnormalities or the clinical manifestations?
Section : Mental Health Info
What are the best ways to help a person cope with their symptoms?
Section : Mental Health Info
Can you be both anorexic and bulimic at the same time?
Section : Mental Health Info
I love to eat, but I am also very conscious about keeping a good body, so I exercise a lot. Is that a problem?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is there a link between substance abuse and sugar – like heroine addicts who load up on sugar if they can’t get their fix?