December 07, 2014
Section : Social Media
This week is Brain Awareness Week, which includes a series of events undertaken by personnel at the Douglas and elsewhere to educate the public about the brain, and in honor of the occasion I thought I'd try to bring some brain awareness to these articles by dispelling some of the more common or insidious myths about the brain.
December 07, 2014
Section : Social Media
I have a joke with one of the guys I work with about us being zombies being pulled irresistibly to the Douglas each morning, never understanding why. It’s not a good joke, or particularly funny, but we take what we can get and it serves as an excellent lead into what I wanted to write [...]
December 07, 2014
Section : Social Media
Let me take you back to Monday, April 21st, game 7 Boston vs. Montreal. I want to try and describe your cerebral activity through the day. Two caveats before proceeding: My doctoral supervisor always told me that I should speak about the things that I know, and not the things I am ignorant of. As [...]
Section : The Douglas
Doesn't the video reduce mental illness to a mere organ, the brain, ignoring the social and environmental aspects?
Section : The Douglas
Doesn’t the video make light of mental illness?The goal of the video is to catch people’s interest so they visit the Douglas Web site, a respected source of accurate information about mental illness, verified by experts. If the message stimulates debate about mental illness, so much the better![...]
Section : The Douglas
The bloody brains are shocking and disgusting. Don't they make it difficult to understand the message?
Section : The Douglas
Is brain donation limited to people suffering from mental illness?
Section : The Douglas
Can the brain tissue be used commercially?
Section : The Douglas
How will results obtained with tissue be communicated?