Section : Patient care
The Severe Disruptive Disorders Program offers a range of superspecialized services for children aged 6 to 12 years with behaviour problems with or without an attention deficit disorder / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Section : Patient care
The Intensive Intervention Program provides diagnostic and super specialized services in mental health to youth aged 13 to 17 years who do not adequately respond to treatment.
Section : The Douglas
Information on sleep and children developed by Reut Gruber, PhD
Section : Mental Health Info
People with Attention Deficit Disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD) struggle to focus, sit still, or restrain their impulses.
Section : The Douglas
Directed by Reut Gruber, PhD, this multidisciplinary unit studies the interplay between sleep and the cognitive, behavioural and emotional development of children.dr
Section : Mental Health Info
Depression in young people is considered a disorder when feelings of sadness, emptiness, etc. last for many days and significantly impair life.
Section : Mental Health Info
2010 Session of the Douglas Institute Mini-Psych School.
Section : Mental Health Info
Five myths about sleep > Reut Gruber, PhD, debunks the five most common myths about sleep and children
Section : Research
David Laplante has been studying the link between prenatal stress and early childhood development.