March 09, 2010
Section : Patient care

24/7, help people suffering from anxiety, sensitize the population, employers intervenants and mental health professionals, help line, support group, therapies, anxiety. Languages: French and English.

June 29, 2017
Section : Social Media

Pouvons-nous créer un monde dans lequel les femmes et les jeunes filles sont libérées des standards destructifs de l’apparence? Cet événement est organisé conjointement par le Continuum des troubles de l’alimentation de l’Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas, une installation du Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, et Anorexie et boulimie (ANEB) Québec. Résumé de la conférence : Cette conférence explore les dommages que cau...

August 29, 2014
Section : Social Media

Until recently, sleep was considered a lack of waking, a lost of time! To the contrary, the lost of sleep can be very harmful to our mental and physical health. And trouble with sleep can lead to circadian rythm disorders. These rhythms can be disrupted by major life events and certain life stages, such as pregnancy and menopause for women. We invite you to watch the presentation by Dr. Diane Boivin M.D., Ph. D., as part of Mini Psych-School 2013. For information on other courses, please go ...

October 15, 2013
Section : Social Media

If mental illness could talk, this is what she would say. Credits: Ogilvy Healthworld Montreal

October 15, 2013
Section : Social Media

Si la maladie mentale pouvait parler, voici ce qu'elle dirait. Crédits: Ogilvy Healthworld Montreal

June 13, 2013
Section : Social Media

Adolescence is often a tough time for teens and for their parents. Everyone transitions to adulthood in a different way, but for some the journey is particularly difficult. Although these emotional upheavals may seem temporary, what if the feelings persist or hide something more alarming? Lecturer: Johanne Renaud, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Medical Chief, Youth Section, Depressive and Suicide Disorders Program, Douglas Institute, Standard Life Senior Fellow in Teen Mental Health.

May 29, 2013
Section : Social Media

Everyone is at risk of experiencing trauma. Is there a "normal" way to react? People indeed respond to traumatic events in multiple ways. But why are some of us able to deal with the emotional shock and go on to live functional lives while others are paralyzed with the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder? Lecturer: Camillo Zacchia, PhD, Psychologist, Senior Advisor, Mental Health Education Office, Douglas Institute

January 04, 2012
Section : Social Media

Ian tells the story of his recovery from schizoaffective disorder. This story is part of the "Recovery stories in mental health" series, a project created by Myra Piat, PhD., recovery expert.

January 04, 2012
Section : Social Media

Lorna tells the story of her recovery from bipolar disorder. This story is part of the "Recovery stories in mental health" series, a project created by Myra Piat, PhD., recovery expert.

January 04, 2012
Section : Social Media

Elizabeth tells the story of her recovery from bipolar disorder. This story is part of the "Recovery stories in mental health" series, a project created by Myra Piat, PhD., recovery expert.