September 10, 2014
Section : News

Douglas led project recieves federal funds.

June 12, 2014
Section : News

At Home/Chez Soi, presents the results of the project’s Montréal site. The results are clear: the Housing First approach helps.

May 05, 2014
Section : News

The Douglas Institute is proud to once again be associated with the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Mental Health Week, May 5 to 11.

May 05, 2014
Section : News

A PhD student in psychiatry from the Douglas Institute has been named an “Étudiant-chercheur étoile ” for April 2014.

March 24, 2014
Section : News

Parle-moi d’amour at the Wellington Centre raised $ 13,720

February 04, 2014
Section : News

$ 9,8 million awarded to the Douglas Institute for the creation of a centre specializing in research on depression and suicide

November 26, 2013
Section : News

Lynne McVey gave the keynote speech on student mental health during the annual joint Board-Senate meeting at McGill University

November 18, 2013
Section : News

Health minister Réjean Hébert awards prestigious 2013 Prix Persillier-Lachapelle to Dr. Mimi Israël

October 31, 2013
Section : News

Brigitte Kieffer takes office as the new Scientific Director of the Douglas Institute Research Centre January 15

October 07, 2013
Section : News

During Mental Illness Awareness Week, the Douglas launches its major campaign and offers a variety of activities