Section : The Douglas
MGSS is studying the molecular and cellular changes taking place in the brains of individuals that become depressed and commit suicide.
Section : Mental Health Info
The Programme d'accompagnement justice-santé mentale (PAJ-SM) at the Montreal Municipal Court.
Section : The Douglas
In 1982, after consultation with the Canadian government, the Director-General of WHO designates the Douglas Mental Health University Institute as the first Collaborating Centre for research and training in mental health in Canada.
Section : Mental Health Info
What happens when a person suffering from a mental disorder poses a danger to themselves or others?
Section : The Douglas
The neurophenotyping centre tests stress levels in rodents.
April 06, 2010
Section : The Douglas
Directed by Michel Perreault, PhD, this research group is conducting a study on obstacles to treatment for individuals with anxiety disorders.
Section : The Douglas
Through research at PEPP, patients benefit from new knowledge, resulting in state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment methods for the early stages of psychosis
Section : The Douglas
The Montreal WHO/PAHO Collaborating Centre: Striving to improve access to mental health care around the world.
Section : Mental Health Info
Advice for the family of people suffering from Bipolar Disorders.
Section : Mental Health Info
Understanding eating disorders and their causes is essential to preventing and treating them.