January 07, 2014
Section : Research

Brigitte L. Kieffer, PhD, is the new Scientific Director of the Douglas Institute Research Centre

November 16, 2010
Section : Research

Rob Whitley examines barriers and facilitators to recovery within both health services and the wider socio-cultural environment.

September 29, 2009
Section : Research

Howard Steiger contributed to the advancement of knowledge regarding causal mechanisms and clinical management of eating disorders.

September 29, 2009
Section : Research

Judes Poirier who had discovered a novel genetic risk factor that triggers the common form of Alzheimer’s disease, again made history in June.  

September 29, 2009
Section : Research

Ridha Joober developed a pharmaco-genetic profile of schizophrenia that may lead to earlier diagnosis and more effective treatment.

September 29, 2009
Section : The Douglas

Jocelyne Lahoud is Administrative Director, Research Centre, Douglas Institute

September 29, 2009
Section : Research

Mimi Israël is active in eating disorders, affective disorders, crisis intervention, emergency psychiatry and mental health care service organization.

September 29, 2009
Section : Research

September 29, 2009
Section : Research

Hani Iskandar has been involved in clinical research projects in the fields of schizophrenia, mood disorders and pharmacology.  

September 29, 2009
Section : Research

Diane B. Boivin, MD, PhD, conducts research as an expert in sleep and circadian rhythms disorders since 1986.