Section : Mental Health Info
What is psychoeducation and how is it used to treat bipolar disorder?
Section : Mental Health Info
Once a patient has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and given appropriate medication, when should psychotherapy be started?
Section : Mental Health Info
Do you know why 25% of the homeless in the US are Vietnam’s veterans?
Section : Mental Health Info
What are the new forms of psychotherapy for psychotic patients?
Section : Mental Health Info
What is the treatment for ADD without hyperactivity? Is Ritalin necessary in this case?
Section : Mental Health Info
Are there known methods, other than medication, that can help children deal with an attention deficit?
Section : Career
Person who conceives, updates, analyzes, and evaluates programs aimed at the psychosocial rehabilitation of the users.Must have a Bachelors Degree in Psychoeducation.* In order to use this reserved title, the person must be a member of lOrdre des co
Section : Patient care
Help families who are confronted with mental illness. Individual, couple and family follow-ups; telephone interviews; self-help groups; workshops and conferences; psychoeducation; relief care Language: French