Section : Social Media
Top ten myths about mental illness: a 2009 lecture by Joseph Rochford, Ph.D. - Part 1
Section : Social Media
Interview with Jens Pruessner, PhD, director of the Aging and Alzheimer's Disease research theme.
Section : Social Media
Interview with Ridha Joober, director of the Schizophrenia and Neurodevelopmental disorders research theme.
Section : Social Media
Interview with Naguib Mechawar, PhD, director of the Mood, Anxiety and Impulsity-related diseases research theme.
Section : Social Media
The history of the Douglas Institute Research Centre, founded in 1979 by Vasavan Nair, MD and the late Samarthji Lal, MD.
Section : Social Media
The fashion, advertising and media sectors contributed to the Quebec charter for a healthy and diversified body image.
Section : Social Media
In Spring 2008, Roger Ulrich, internationnally renowned evidence-based design researcher, visited the Douglas Institute.
Section : Social Media
The history of the Douglas over the past one hundred and twenty-five years.
Section : Social Media
Why is an early diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease useful?
Section : Social Media
Who could benefit from an early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease?