Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Mood, Anxiety and Impulsivity-Related Disorders Research


Strober M., Peris T., Steiger H. (2014). The plasticity of development: How knowledge of epigenetics may advance understanding of eating disorders, Int J Eat Disord, 47(7), 696-704. Find out more.

Séguin M., Beauchamp G., Robert M., DiMambro M., Turecki G. (2014). Developmental model of suicide trajectories, Br J Psychiatry, 205(2), 120-6. Find out more.

Séguin M., Lesage A., Renaud J., Turecki G. (2014). Trajectory-based models in the study of suicide, Part III, , 198-209.

Taylor M. J., Godlewska B., Near J., Christmas D., Potokar J., Collier J., Klenerman P., Barnes E., Cowen P. J. (2014). Effect of interferon-alpha on cortical glutamate in patients with hepatitis C: a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study, Psychol Med, 44(4), 789-95. Find out more.

Terhune D. B., Russo S., Near J., Stagg C. J., Cohen Kadosh R. (2014). GABA predicts time perception, J Neurosci, 34(12), 4364-70. Find out more.

Thaler L., Gauvin L., Joober R., Groleau P., de Guzman R., Ambalavanan A., Israël M., Wilson S., Steiger H. (2014). Methylation of BDNF in women with bulimic eating syndromes: associations with childhood abuse and borderline personality disorder, Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 54, 43-9. Find out more.

Thaler L., Wilson S., Coelho J. S., Mazanek Antunes J., Israël M., Steiger H. (2014). Mandating weekly weight gain in a day treatment program for eating disorders, Int J Eat Disord, 47(5), 500-6. Find out more.

Toorres-Platas S. G., Comeau S., Rachalski A., Dal Bo G., Cruceanu C., Giros B., Turecki G., Mechawar N. (2014). Morphometric characterization of Microglial Phenotypes in human Neocortex, J Neuroinflammation, 11(1), 12. Find out more.

Torres-Platas S. G., Cruceanu C., Chen G. G., Turecki G., Mechawar N. (2014). Evidence for increased microglial priming and macrophage recruitment in the dorsal anterior cingulate white matter of depressed suicides, Brain Behav Immun. Find out more.

Tse Y. C., Montoya I., Wong A. S., Mathieu A., Lissemore J., Lagace D. C., Wong T. (2014). A longitudinal study of stress-induced hippocampal volume changes in mice that are susceptible or resilient to chronic social defeat, Hippocampus, 24(9), 1120-8. Find out more.

Turcotte-Tremblay A. M., Lim R., Laplante D., Kobzik L., Brunet A., King S. (2014). Prenatal maternal stress predicts childhood asthma in girls: project ice storm, Biomed Res Int, 2014, 201717. Find out more.

Turecki G. (2014). Epigenetics and suicidal behavior research pathways, Am J Prev Med, 47(3 Suppl 2), S144-51. Find out more.

Vergnano A. M., Rebola N., Savtchenko L. P., Pinheiro P. S., Casado M., Kieffer B., Rusakov D. A., Mulle C., Paoletti P. (2014). Zinc dynamics and action at excitatory synapses, Neuron, 82(5), 1101-14. Find out more.

Veru F., Laplante D., Luheshi G., King S. (2014). Prenatal maternal stress exposure and immune function in the offspring, Stress. Find out more.

Walder D. J., Laplante D. P., Sousa-Pires A., Veru F., Brunet A., King S. (2014). Prenatal maternal stress predicts autism traits in 6(1/2) year-old children: Project Ice Storm, Psychiatry Res, 219(2), 353-60. Find out more.

Yang Y., Duguay D., Fahrenkrug J., Cermakian N., Wing S. S. (2014). USP2 Regulates the Intracellular Localization of PER1 and Circadian Gene Expression, J Biol Rhythms, 29(4), 243-56. Find out more.

Yoo J. H., Bailey A., Borsodi A., Toth G., Matifas A., Kieffer B., Kitchen I. (2014). Knockout subtraction autoradiography: a novel ex vivo method to detect heteromers finds sparse KOP receptor/DOP receptor heterodimerization in the brain, Eur J Pharmacol, 731, 1-7. Find out more.

Zhang R., Li X., Ramaswami G., Smith K. S., Turecki G., Montgomery S. B., Li J. B. (2014). Quantifying RNA allelic ratios by microfluidic multiplex PCR and sequencing, Nat Methods, 11(1), 51-4. Find out more.


Aime A., LeBlanc L., Séguin M., Brunet A., Brisebois C., Girard N. (2013). [Are mental health disorders' characteristics such as presence and severity related to the nature of a crisis, its dangerousness and the types of services offered?], Sante Ment Que, 38(2), 235-56. Find out more.

Alda M., Shao L., Wang J. F., Lopez de Lara C., Jaitovich-Groisman I., Lebel V., Sun X., Duffy A., Grof P., Rouleau G. A., Turecki G., Young L. T. (2013). Alterations in phosphorylated cAMP response element-binding protein (pCREB) signaling: an endophenotype of lithium-responsive bipolar disorder?, Bipolar Disord, 15(8), 824-31. Find out more.

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