Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Mood, Anxiety and Impulsivity-Related Disorders Research


Ernst C., Marshall C.R., Shen Y., Metcalfe K., Rosenfeld J., Hodge J.C., Torres A., Blumenthal I., Chiang C., Pillalamarri V., Crapper L., Diallo A.B., Ruderfer D., Pereira S., Sklar P., Purcell S., Wildin R.S., Spencer A.C., Quade B.F., Harris D.J., Lemyre E., Wu B.L., Stavropoulos D.J., Geraghty M.T., Shaffer L.G., Morton C.C., Scherer S.W., Gusella J.F., Talkowski M E. (2012). Highly Penetrant Alterations of a Critical Region Including BDNF in Human Psychopathology and Obesity, Arch Gen Psychiatry, 1-9. Find out more.

Faget L., Erbs E., Le Merrer J., Scherrer G., Matifas A., Benturquia N., Noble F., Decossas M., Koch M., Kessler P., Vonesch J. L., Schwab Y., Kieffer B., Massotte D. (2012). In vivo visualization of delta opioid receptors upon physiological activation uncovers a distinct internalization profile, J Neurosci, 32(21), 7301-10. Find out more.

Fiori L. M., Gross J. A., Turecki G. (2012). Effects of histone modifications on increased expression of polyamine biosynthetic genes in suicide, Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 15(8), 1161-6. Find out more.

Fiori L. M., Turecki G. (2012). Broadening our horizons: gene expression profiling to help better understand the neurobiology of suicide and depression, Neurobiol Dis, 45(1), 14-22. Find out more.

Freemantle E., Lalovic A., Mechawar N., Turecki G. (2012). Age and haplotype variations within FADS1 interact and associate with alterations in fatty acid composition in human male cortical brain tissue, PLoS One, 7(8), e42696. Find out more.

Furuya T. K., Silva P. N., Payao S. L., Bertolucci P. H., Rasmussen L. T., De Labio R. W., Braga I. L., Chen E. S., Turecki G., Mechawar N., Mill J., Smith M. A. (2012). Analysis of SNAP25 mRNA expression and promoter DNA methylation in brain areas of Alzheimer's Disease patients, Neuroscience, 220, 41-6. Find out more.

Furuya T. K., da Silva P. N., Payao S. L., Rasmussen L. T., de Labio R. W., Bertolucci P. H., Braga I. L., Chen E. S., Turecki G., Mechawar N., Mill J., de Arruda Cardoso Smith M. (2012). SORL1 and SIRT1 mRNA expression and promoter methylation levels in aging and Alzheimer's Disease, Neurochem Int, 61(7), 973-5. Find out more.

Gauvin L., Steiger H. (2012). Overcoming the Unhealthy Pursuit of Thinness: Reaction to the Quebec Charter for a Healthy and Diverse Body Image, Am J Public Health. Find out more.

Groleau P., Steiger H., Bruce K.R., Israël M., Sycz L., Ouellette A.S., Badawi G. (2012). Childhood emotional abuse and eating symptoms in bulimic disorders: An examination of possible mediating variables, Int J Eat Disord, 45(3), 326-332. Find out more.

Groleau P., Steiger H., Joober R., , Israël M., Badawi G., Zeramdini N., Sycz L. (2012). Dopamine-system genes, childhood abuse, and clinical manifestations in women with Bulimia-spectrum Disorders, J Psychiatr Res, 49(9), 1139-1145. Find out more.

Groleau P., Steiger H., Joober R., Bruce K. R., Israel M., Badawi G., Zeramdini N., Sycz L. (2012). Dopamine-system genes, childhood abuse, and clinical manifestations in women with Bulimia-Spectrum Disorders, J Psychiatr Res, 46(9), 1139-45. Find out more.

Jimenez-Murcia S., Bove F. I., Israël M., Steiger H., Fernandez-Aranda F., Alvarez-Moya E., Granero R., Penelo E., Verge B., Aymami M. N., Santamaria J. J., Gomez-Pena M., Moragas L., Savvidou L. G., Menchon J. M. (2012). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for pathological gambling in Parkinson's disease: a pilot controlled study, Eur Addict Res, 18(6), 265-74. Find out more.

Jocham G., Hunt L. T., Near J., Behrens T. E. (2012). A mechanism for value-guided choice based on the excitation-inhibition balance in prefrontal cortex, Nat Neurosci, 15(7), 960-1. Find out more.

Krantic S., Isorce N., Mechawar N., Davoli M.A., Vignault E., Albuquerque M., Chabot J. G., Moyse E., Chauvin J.P., Aubert I., McLaurin J., Quirion R. (2012). Hippocampal GABAergic neurons are susceptible to amyloid-beta toxicity in vitro and are decreased in number in the Alzheimer's disease TgCRND8 mouse model, J Alzheimers Dis, 29(2), 293-308. Find out more.

Labonte B., Suderman M., Maussion G., Navaro L., Yerko V., Mahar I., Bureau A., Mechawar N., Szyf M., Meaney M., Turecki G. (2012). Genome-wide Epigenetic Regulation by Early-Life TraumaGenome Epigenetic Regulation by Early-Life Trauma, Arch Gen Psychiatry, 69(7), 722-731. Find out more.

Labonte B., Turecki G. (2012). [Epigenetic: a link between environment and genome], Santé Ment Qué, 37(2), 31-44. Find out more.

Labonte B., Turecki G. (2012). Epigenetic Effects of Childhood Adversity in the Brain and Suicide Risk, . Find out more.

Labonte B., Yerko V., Gross J., Mechawar N., Meaney M., Szyf M., Turecki G. (2012). Differential Glucocorticoid Receptor Exon 1(B), 1(C), and 1(H) Expression and Methylation in Suicide Completers with a History of Childhood Abuse, Biol Psychiatry. Find out more.

Le Merrer J., Befort K., Gardon O., Filliol D., Darcq E., Dembele D., Becker J. A., Kieffer B. (2012). Protracted abstinence from distinct drugs of abuse shows regulation of a common gene network, Addict Biol, 17(1), 1-12. Find out more.

Le Merrer J., Faget L., Matifas A., Kieffer B. (2012). Cues predicting drug or food reward restore morphine-induced place conditioning in mice lacking delta opioid receptors, Psychopharmacology (Berl), 223(1), 99-106. Find out more.

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