Actress Eve Landry is the spokesperson for Parle-moi d'amour 2014 at the Wellington Centre 2014-02-14
Actress Eve Landry talks about the importance of events such as Parle-moi d'amour that brings together artists, the public and people living with a mental illness.  

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Opening - Parle-moi d'amour 2014 at the Wellington Centre 2014-02-12
From February 6 to March 13, 2014, a hundred works of art are exihibited at the Wellington Centre and silently auctioned off. Paintings and sculptures from members of Les Impatients, students, the...

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Research on the prevention of Alzheimer's Disease at the Douglas (2013) (in French) 2013-11-18
Judes Poirier, PhD, CQ, is the associate director of  the Centre for Studies on Prevention of Alzehimer's Disease (StoP-AD Centre) dedicated to the prevention of AD

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Maintaining balance between the hippocampus and striatum 2013-10-30
Véronique Bohbot, PhD, talks about ways to maintain a balance between the hippocampus and striatum in order to increase chances of a healthy cognition.

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If mental illness could talk, this is what she would say 2013-10-16
Mental illness is something that people tend to downplay or deny, but mental illness is real. This 30-second video puts it into a form that cannot be ignored. It was produced pro bono by Ogilvy Hea...

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Improving access to mental health services 2013-09-27
In this photostory, Lynne McVey talks about the importance of improving mental health services, especially services for young people

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Sophie Grégoire, ambassador of the 2013 Mini-Psych School, asks : "Will you be a team member?" 2013-09-18
2013 Mini-Psych School ambassador Sophie Grégoire is inviting all Canadians to better understand how hormones and the brain influence many aspects of women's daily lives. Read the 2013 Mini-Psych ...

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Sophie Grégoire, ambassador of the 2013 Mini-Psych School, asks : "How do you take care of yourself?" 2013-09-18
2013 Mini-Psych School ambassador Sophie Grégoire is inviting all Canadians to better understand how hormones and the brain influence many aspects of women's daily lives. Read the 2013 Mini-Psych ...

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Sophie Grégoire, ambassador of the 2013 Mini-Psych School, asks : "How do you find balance?" 2013-09-17
2013 Mini-Psych School ambassador Sophie Grégoire is inviting all Canadians to better understand how hormones and the brain influence many aspects of women's daily lives. Read the 2013 Mini-Psych ...

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CEO Lynne McVey's top three priorities 2013-08-16
Lynne McVey's top three priorities for 2013-2015 are: Better access to services Smoother care trajectory Creation of a healing environment

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