Heart and mind - Emotions as a survival tool. A 2011 lecture by Camillo Zacchia (Part 2) (In French) 2012-06-07
Anger, sadness, joy, excitement, fear and anxiety are all emotions that are essential to our survival, but they can also cause us a lot of trouble! This is Part 2 of the lecture given by Camillo Z...

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The brain - Simultaneously strong and fragile. A 2011 lecture by Véronique Bohbot 2012-05-29
 Lecture in French only. The brain is a magnificent and superbly complex organ, and many key questions about its function remain unanswered. Douglas Neuroscientist Véronique Bohbot, Ph.D., gave t...

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Participants of the 2009 Mini-Psych School talk about their experience 2010-06-14
Interview with participants of the 2009 Mini-Psych School and with Joseph Rochford, PhD, supervisor of the series. Find out more on the Mini-Psych School Program.

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Interview with Sophie-Andrée Blondin, host of the 2010 Frames of Mind (in French) 2010-04-07
Sophie-Andrée Blondin, science journalist on Radio-Canada’s Les Années lumière, has agreed to lead the discussions following the film screenings of the 2010 Frames of Mind. In this interview, she e...

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