Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Ask the expert

If a person doesn't drink wine, would it benefit him to eat grapes instead?

No. I'll give you a short, but clear, explanation. In wine, the protective factor is not in the juice. It is actually the mold that grows on the grape. If you purchase grapes and leave them in the refrigerator, you will observe that a white powder (mold) forms on the top of the grape. The more mould you have when you let the wine age, the better the taste. The percentage of mold in the recipe is very important. Bordeaux wines have less mold than Burgundy wines, which is why Burgundy wines claim to be more effective against Alzheimer's disease.
-Judes Poirier, Ph.D., Mini-Psych School 2006

What about Omega 3 in the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease ?

Right now, it's intriguing. We have one study from the States and one from Europe suggesting that a slightly higher than normal consumption of Omega 3 (two kinds: one derived from fish and one derived from plants), when combined together, appears to slow the progression of the disease. However, these were not blind studies. The physician knew who had the pill containing the oil and who did not. The only way for us to prove this speculation is to have the doctor oblivious to whether he is giving a patient a sugar pill or an oil pill. These studies have not yet been performed. Until they are, we will not be totally convinced. However, it is positive.
-Judes Poirier, Ph.D., Mini-Psych School 2006

Are there any accepted alternative treatments for Alzheimer’s (e.g.., EPA, Primrose oil)?

These treatments have not shown to be beneficial with formal scientific testing. However, absence of proof does not constitute proof of absence; there may always be that one person who takes these products and really does get better. But in terms of whether there are scientific bases for believing that the drug or supplement is likely to help, then the answer is probably no.

-John Breitner, MD, MPH, Mini-Psych School 2012


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