Douglas Institute at the parliamentary committee


On Novembrer 13, Lynne McVey, Executive Director of the Douglas Institute, appeared before the Parliamentary Committee examining Bill 10. Ms. McVey was joined by the members of Une Métropole en action, a working committee comprised of representatives from Centre jeunesse de Montréal, CSSS de Bordeaux-Cartierville — Saint-Laurent, CSSS de Dorval-Lachine-LaSalle, and Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont.

Ms. McVey took advantage of the opportunity to promote a number of priorities to Minister Barrette and the Committee members.

In addition, she stressed the importance of protecting the academic mission of the Institutes and the necessity of respecting the cultural and linguistic aspects of the institutions that will be integrated into the future CISSS organizations. Montreal is home to 20 institutions that have been designated as bilingual and another 22 that officially offer services in English.

Ms. McVey also asked the Minister and Parliamentary Committee to make the patient-partner approach a priority during the reorganization.

A video clip of the hearing is now available online.