
March 13-19 was Brain Awareness Week. Created by the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives, this international activity aims to teach the public about brain function and new research. The Montreal organizing committee, led this year by 13 very enthusiastic Douglas neuroscience students, also involved other scientific partners such as the Montreal Neurological Institute, Concordia University, Université de Montréal and Université du Québec à Montréal.

Over 100 neuroscience graduate students brought the brain to the classroom for more than 9,000 Montreal primary and high-school students. The youngsters learned about the five senses and the adolescents looked at how drugs affect the brain. In addition, the public was invited to participate in a lecture series on the theme of mental health, one of which was held at the Douglas. Entitled “Insight into the Mind: What Brain Imaging Reveals About How You Think and Feel”, the lecture was given by Jorge Armony, Ph.D. and Maria Natasha Rajah, Ph.D., both researchers at the Douglas Hospital Research Centre.