
The Douglas’ Scientific Director, Rémi Quirion recently participated in the prestigious Raymond and Beverly Sackler Visiting Lectureship at the University of Toronto. His talk ‘Toward the characterization of novel memory genes’ marked the third annual lecture in this series, and he is the only Canadian thus far who has been invited to lecture.

Quirion is in good company, last year’s speaker was Harold Varmus, a recipient of a Nobel Prize. The first lecture was given by Sir Richard Peto, an expert in vascular disease at England's University of Oxford.

The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Visiting Lectureships are given in tribute to Isadore Rosenfeld for his pioneering and fundamental contributions to cardiology and preventive medicine.

Rémi Quirion is the Scientific Director of the Douglas Hospital Research Centre as well as the Scientific Director of the Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction, one of 13 virtual institutes of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.