
The Douglas Mental Health University Institute is proud to see its Director, Professional and Hospital services, Jean-Bernard Trudeau,MD, sought for his expertise as a conciliator for the “388” clinic for young adult psychotics in Quebec City. The clinic is affiliated with the Centre hospitalier Robert-Giffard-Institut universitaire en santé mentale.

L’Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale has given Dr. Trudeau the mandate of identifying the concerns of the clinic and the hospital and of proposing recommendations in a report to be submitted before July 31.

“Jean-Bernard Trudeau’s solid experience in the management of mental health services has been sought on several occasions. We are convinced that his contribution as a conciliator will be appreciated in this case. We congratulate him on his appointment,” declared Jacques Hendlisz, Director General of the Douglas Institute.

The appointment comes following a recommendation made by the Ombudsperson for the Province of Quebec, Raymonde St-Germain, who, in a recent report, expressed her concern over the continuity of services provided by the clinic at 388 St-Vallier. The Ombudsperson supported Trudeau’s nomination for this role.