
At the Annual Meeting of the Association des art-thérapeutes du Québec, Francine Lévesque, DPA, MA, ATPQ, Art Therapist at the Douglas Insitute, was awarded a prize for her outstanding contribution to the profession.

Ten years ago in 1999, Francine Lévesque created a discussion forum specifically for art therapy professionals from around the world, as this kind of tool did not exist at the time. The lack of networking, discussion and particularly continuing education opportunities gave her the idea to connect colleagues and pool their knowledge in order to stimulate dialogue.

The group quickly grew from six members to more than 500 professionals and graduate and post-graduate students. Technology has allowed them to create mutual connections, to support their identities as professionals, and to open dialogue.

You can read Francine Lévesque's observations on art therapy by visiting her blog. Comment on one of her posts or subscribe by email or to the RSS feed.