Section : Mental Health Info
How can you tell if the medications aren’t working?
Section : Mental Health Info
What is psychoeducation and how is it used to treat bipolar disorder?
Section : Mental Health Info
Yes. The Isaksimagit Inuusirmi Katujjiqatigiit (‘Embrace Life Council’), the Government of Nunavut, Nunavut Tunngavik Inc., the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and the Chief Coroner of Nunavut all strongly support this study.
Section : Mental Health Info
The antidepressants I take have taken away my strong creative side; should I stop taking them?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is it possible to diagnose an 8-year-old child with schizophrenia? Can schizophrenia be detected in children? And if so, how might the treatment of a schizophrenic child differ from that of an adult?
Section : Mental Health Info
What are the diagnosis criteria of attention deficit?
Section : Career
Reporting to the Director, Nursing and Quality, you will act as a strategic player in the instructional development of different online training courses offered to employees and partners of the Douglas Institute. You will also assume management of hum
Section : Career
The Outpatient Clinic offers assessment and specialized treatment services in nursing, neuropsychology, psychology, occupational therapy, and social intervention as well as pharmacological and therapeutic follow-up for people 65 years and older or adu
Section : Mental Health Info
Bonjour, Je viens de lire votre article sur le TDA(H) et l'ai trouvé très intéressant. Il faut en effet faire connaître au plus grand nombre ce trouble, pour que les enfants qui en sont atteints ne souffrent pas de l'incompréhension de l'entourage, et puissent bénéficier de traitement adapt[...]