Section : The Douglas
The goal of the PREVENT-AD program is to study memory and brain changes in healthy people over the age of 60.
Section : The Douglas
To date, there is no known cure for Alzheimer's Disease. Current drug treatments offer modest symptom relief, but none of the medications is known to delay or halt the progression of the disease.
Section : The Douglas
McGill and the Douglas have joined hands to create the StoP-AD Centre dedicated to the prevention of AD.
Section : The Douglas
Alzheimer's disease: A ticking bomb Canada and the world face a ruinous increase in the incidence of dementia caused by Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Around the globe, more than 35 million people have dementia. Their care costs $600 billion each ye
Section : Mental Health Info
Most anxiety disorders are treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), medication, or a combination of the two.
Section : The Douglas
Martin Lepage team is currently working on these clinically-based research projects.
Section : The Douglas
Martin Lepage's team is working on the following neurocognitive and neuroimaging research projects.
Section : Mental Health Info
Are you burnt out, or have you ever felt like you were on the verge of it? What is burnout anyway, and is it the same as depression?
Section : The Douglas
Internships and thesis projects Our research project offers many opportunities for graduate internships or thesis projects. Here is a list of ongoing thesis projects: Student: André Ngamini Ngui Academic Program: PhD, Applied Human Sciences
Section : The Douglas
The CIHR Team in Social and Psychiatric Epidemiology gratefully acknowledges the 2,433 participants of the longitudinal survey.