Section : Mental Health Info
Is it beneficial or destructive for mentally ill patients to be surrounded by others with the same or other mental disorders?
Section : Mental Health Info
What about propanolol for treating anxiety?
Section : Mental Health Info
Can we check to see if our chromosomes have high-risk genes for common Alzheimer's?
Section : Mental Health Info
Are there physical differences in patients suffering from Parkinson's disease?
Section : Mental Health Info
Why do anxiety disorders seem much more prevalent today than twenty years ago?
Section : Mental Health Info
How can you say people with mental illness are as likely to commit crimes as the general public when it 's obvious that someone who commits a crime is mentally ill?
Section : Mental Health Info
What should I do if a family member with a mental disorder is arrested by the police?
Section : Mental Health Info
My son's medication seems to make him depressed and numb. What is the long-term social impact of these symptoms?
Section : Mental Health Info
If some phobias are evolutionary in nature, why are people afraid of modern objects like airplanes, elevators, and escalators?