Section : Mental Health Info
How would you motivate someone with an eating disorder to seek help?
Section : Mental Health Info
If I am happy with my body now as a teen, do I still have a risk to getting anorexia or bulimia when I am older?
Section : Mental Health Info
What is the relationship between marijuana use and bipolar disorder?
Section : Mental Health Info
What do you think about the potential of tryptophan for treating bipolar depression?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is being extremely thin a sure sign that someone has an eating disorder?
Section : Mental Health Info
Could someone who is depressed heal over time on their own?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is there a high percentage of people dying from eating disorders?
Section : Mental Health Info
Can Anorexia be partially caused by genetic factors?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is medication the only answer to eating disorders?
Section : Mental Health Info
Are Anorexia and Bulimia serious disease or just a fad among girls who want to look like models and movie stars?