Section : Mental Health Info
Do the police have other options besides detention when they intervene in the case of a person with a mental health problem?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is the PAJ-SM a way to escape justice?
Section : Mental Health Info
Are people with a mental health problem violent?
Section : Mental Health Info
Do alcohol and drugs increase the risk of violence?
Section : Mental Health Info
Can anybody claim to have a mental health disorder to try to escape justice?
Section : The Douglas
This DVD contains all the classes of the 2013 Mini-Psych School Session. This series delves into the theme of women's mental health. Session host and facilitator Anne Crocker, PhD, researcher at the Douglas Institute, will lead you on a journey into t
Section : The Douglas
Mini-Psych School 2013 DVD Pack is on sale online
Section : Social Media
Maladie mentale et milieu judiciaire : faut-il blâmer la «désins »? Anne Crocker, Ph.D. - Connaître l'état de la situation à propos de la maladie mentale et sa judiciarisation en Amérique du Nord, plus particulièrement au Canada; - Comprendre les enjeux de société; •Explorer les pistes de solutions, tel que le projet de Tribunal pénal de Montréal. INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE EN SANTÉ MENTALE DOUGLAS *** Soigner. Découvrir. Enseigner. *** Le Douglas est un institut de classe mondiale, basé à Mo...
Section : Social Media
Section : Social Media