Section : Education
The Douglas Institute offers its residents the opportunity to acquire a developmental perspective of the individual, from infancy through childhood, adolescence, adulthood and into old age.
Section : Research
Antoine Adamantidis, PhD, is interested in the underlying neural mechanism for wakefulness or vigilance states.
Section : Research
Reut Gruber examines the association between sleep and attention in children and adolescents and the genetics of sleep.
Section : Research
Aurélie Labbe is a biostatistician who specializes in statistical genetics and genetic epidemiology.
Section : Research
Natalie Grizenko is medical director with the mandate of integrating research, teaching and clinical excellence throughout the program.
Section : Research
Gustavo Turecki investigates the neurobiology of suicide, focusing on the role of genetic risk factors.
Section : Research
Ridha Joober developed a pharmaco-genetic profile of schizophrenia that may lead to earlier diagnosis and more effective treatment.
Section : Research
Véronique Bohbot investigates the neural correlates underlying visual and auditory spatial memory in normal and brain-damaged individuals.
Section : Research
Jorge Armony, PhD conducts research on how the brain detects danger stimuli and how it interacts with consciousness and memory.
Section : Research
The researchers exploring the “Schizophrenia and neurodevelopmental disorders” theme focus on the causes, course, treatment and prevention of: Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder and Gilles de la Tourette syndrome Autism (research and evaluation) In Canada, one in a hundred people will be diagnosed with schizophrenia while 3 to 5% of children have an attention deficit...