Section : Career
Person who, in accordance with the specific rules of the profession, designs and carries out activities involving assessment, guidance, counselling and treatment adapted to the individual and collective needs of one or more beneficiaries.Must have a m
Section : The Douglas
The effects of altered gene expression (transgenic, knock-out or knock-in animals) on the function of the central nervous system are complex and require extensive characterization using the appropriate behavioural tests. The Neurophenotyping service p
Section : The Douglas
The Douglas Institute Research Center Animal Facility is dedicated to the housing, breeding and behavioural Phenotyping of mice and rats. We offer service for a battery of behavioral tests aimed at understanding brain physiology and pathophysiology fo
Section : The Douglas
Elevated Plus Maze C'est le test par excellence pour mesurer l'anxiété chez les rongeurs. Il est aussi couramment utilisé pour tester différents anxiolytiques, anciens et nouveaux. Le test crée un conflit approche-évitement entre l'envie naturelle d'
Section : The Douglas
Economic analyses Eric Latimer A cost analysis was performed to evaluate the impact of the HF programs, considering all costs incurred by participants. On average, the intervention cost $22,482 per person per year for high need participants
Section : The Douglas
Various instruments play a pivotal part in our work, they are crucial for us to achieve our pursued objectives and to fulfill our mission. Behavior risk assessment and management tools are particularly useful in clinical settings.
Section : Mental Health Info
Sophie Grégoire, ambassador of the 2013 Mini-Psych School , invites you to explore women's mental health.
Section : The Douglas
This is a list of all the publications produced by the CIHR Team in Social and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Section : The Douglas
The Sleep Squad video was produced as a response to the Sleep for Success program.