Section : Médias sociaux
For a long time, our way of addressing mental health problems has fed prejudice. This behaviour has made recovery more difficult for people with mental health problems. This course gives us new ways of looking at mental illness that fights stigmatization. Watch other Mini-Psych School presentations at
Section : Infos santé mentale
La plupart des troubles anxieux sont traités par une thérapie cognitive du comportement (TCC), une médication ou encore une combinaison des deux.
Section : Nouvelles
École Mini Psy 2012 – Se donner le pouvoir de comprendre, prévenir et aider
Section : Nouvelles
Portrait de Gaston Harnois, M.D., à qui l'on doit la création du Centre collaborateur OMS de l'Institut Douglas.
Section : Nouvelles
Where would Denise and I be without all of you?? Un témoignage à propos du Centre Moe Levin (anglais)
7 décembre 2014
Section : Médias sociaux
I talk to myself, and not just a little. Drives my girlfriend crazy sometimes, not to mention my co-workers. I also talk to my environment – the television (especially during Habs games), my computer, lab equipment, particularly annoying nails, the refrigerator, whatever. Like I said, I talk to myself a lot. I’m told that I [...]
Section : Médias sociaux