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Brigitte Kieffer takes office as the new Scientific Director of the Douglas Institute Research Centre January 15
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A recognition banquet for retired personnel of the Douglas Institute took place last June 6, 2013.
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Dr. Boillat, family doctor and theologian, left the Douglas in September 1993 after a career that spanned all positions of responsibility.
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Wellington Centre > Its mission is to have users actively participate in their own journey towards recovery, with the help of peer experts.
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Jacques Hendlisz retires as director general > Under his leadership, the hospital transformed into a University Institute
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Sixth text of the series "Papa, mama, the maid and I," a collection written by Luc Gagnon to his father suffering from Alzheimer's Disease.
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Major partnership paves way for new discoveries in prevention of dementia
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Rémi Quirion awarded an honorary doctorate from INRS for his outstanding contribution to the field of mental health
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A portrait of Gaston Harnois, MD, responsible for establishing the WHO/PAHO Collaborating Centre.
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Maryse Gagnon, an engaged journalist, adresses taboos in a sensitive and respectful way.