Section : Mental Health Info
What comes first in psychotic disorders: the brain abnormalities or the clinical manifestations?
Section : Mental Health Info
Why does psychosis develop in some drug users?
Section : Mental Health Info
How many neurotransmitters have been identified to date and have we covered them all?
Section : Mental Health Info
Can you comment any relationship between cortisol and weight?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is there a link between substance abuse and sugar – like heroine addicts who load up on sugar if they can’t get their fix?
Section : Mental Health Info
What does repetitive dieting do to the brain?
Section : Mental Health Info
Does sugar affect the serotonin and glutamate in the brain?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is there any evidence that SSRIs may help people with an eating disorder?
Section : Mental Health Info
When anorexic people look at themselves in the mirror, do they see themselves as being fat?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is it true that, if you have bipolar disorder, your chances of having Alzheimer’s disease increase?