October 18, 2011
Section : The Douglas

Ongoing research projects that the Mental Health and Society Research Group is working on

July 08, 2010
Section : The Douglas

CIHR Team in transdisciplinary studies in DWI onset, persistence, prevention and treatment.

March 03, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

The Programme d'accompagnement justice-santé mentale (PAJ-SM) at the Montreal Municipal Court.

March 03, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

What are the consequences of a "non-criminally responsable" verdict?

July 19, 2011
Section : Mental Health Info

Mental Health and homelessness > Law reforms have contributed to the criminalization of psychiatry in Quebec.

April 03, 2013
Section : Research

His research aims to improve access to health care in the fields of mental health, homelessness and dependency

March 09, 2010
Section : Research

The researchers working on the “Services, policy and population health” theme come from a wide variety of disciplinary backgrounds: psychiatry, epidemiology, law, anthropology, economy, psychology, social work, administration. Their goal is to inspire and influence developments in mental health policy so that people living with a mental illness can obtain the care and services to which they are entitled. To accomplish this, the researchers: Study the organization of mental health s...

March 19, 2015
Section : News

A long-term study examines the actions and experiences of individuals declared not criminally responsible.

May 03, 2013
Section : News

The Douglas Institute has a poetry slam, a blog on advertising and mental health, and lectures all on tap during Mental Health Week 2013

December 07, 2010
Section : News

The psychology of police-based crisis intervention. Publication of a reference book input from Johanne Renaud, MD.