Section : Mental Health Info
What are the dangers of high blood serum prolactin levels?
Section : Mental Health Info
Research suggests that we should separate positive schizophrenia symptoms from negative ones. Is this a good idea?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is it safe to say that schizophrenia is always characterized by psychosis?
Section : Mental Health Info
What are the conditions that may prevent someone with a psychotic disorder from recovering or functioning on a daily basis?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is being transgender/homosexual a mental illness?When it comes to sexual aspects, psychiatry has not had a brilliant history. Homosexuality was considered a disease up to the 1970’s, and it even used to be a classification in the Diagnostic and
Section : Mental Health Info
Why are delusions always portrayed as negative and never something fun?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is there a link between ADHD in childhood and psychosis later in life?
Section : Mental Health Info
Are there common patterns in delusions, such as conspiracy patterns, etc. and why?
Section : Mental Health Info
Can people living outside of Montreal use the services of PEPP-Montréal?The reason that we restrict it to Montreal is that the philosophy of the program is to see patients in the community and engage patients wherever we can engage them. For example,