The current research projects target social integration determinants as well as services and assessment tools.
Going Home
Longitudinal follow-up of 363 persons found non criminally responsible on account of mental disorders (NCRMD), over a 12-month period in Québec, Ontario and British-Columbia.
The study focuses on these persons’ social integration trajectories.
Researchers: Anne Crocker, Gilles Côté, Tonia Nicholls (British-Columbia), Michael Seto (Ontario)
Coordinator: Malijaï Caulet –
Funding resource: Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR)
Mental health in the federal correctional system
The main study is a two-year longitudinal follow-up of 565 male detainees which aims to analyze and assess mental health services offered in federal correctional facilities.
A sub-study to this project aims to identify how protective and risk factors interact to promote social integration and residential stability on a subset of recently released detainees with mental disorders.
Researchers: Gilles Côté, Anne Crocker, Marc Daigle
Coordinator: Jeanne Vachon -
Funding resource: Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR)
Impact assessment study of Lily-Butters House program
This project is an evaluation of specialized residential services – the Lily Butters House – which comprise assessment and stabilization of severe challenging behavior among youngsters and adults with intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum disorders. It also provides with the transfer of expertise to community resources involved with this population and concerned caregivers.
The focus in this project is to analyze interventions and services performed by the Lily Butters House in order to assess the program’s fallouts.
Researchers: Diane Morin and Mélina Rivard
Coordinator: Justine Grenier -
Funding resource: Butters Foundation
Systemic inequalities, women and psychiatry : court judgments of institutional confinement and their impact on parenting capacity’s assessment
The project aims to review the concept of capacity to consent beyond legal criteria through the identification of the facts, diagnoses and contexts that lead judges to conclude incapacity.
Researcher : Emmanuelle Bernheim
Funding resource : Social Sciences and Humanities Research Counsil (SSHRC)
Right to Integrity and to refuse care : overview of legislative and case-law in care authorization
The project aims to outline legislation and case-law in involuntary commitment since 1991.
Researchers: Emmanuelle Bernheim and Anne Crocker
Funding resource: Fondation du Barreau du Québec
Intersectorial perspectives on persons with intellectual disabilities or pervasive develomental disorders dealing with the justice system
The project aims to gather and analyze information on tensions, inadequacies and adaptations emerging from criminal and health and social divisions (clinical and psychosocial).
Researchers: Emmanuelle Bernheim and Anne Crocker
Collaborators: Renée Proulx, Daphné Morin
Funding resource: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
Implementation studies of two assessment and management tools on challenging behaviors
Dynamic Appraisal of Situational Aggression (DASA): Grid for early monitoring of imminent aggressive behavior.
This widely valid and recognized risk assessment tool is used in various countries, such as Australia, United-Kingdom and the United-States. Nevertheless, it is applied in only one psychiatric care unit in Québec at the moment, within a pilot initiative. The DASA implementation study will screen set-up strategies as well as determinants while it is being introduced in seven of Québec’s hospital psychiatric care units.
Researchers: Caroline Larue, Alexandre Dumais, Jean-Pierre Bonin, Gilles Côté, Anne Croker, Alain Lesage, Jean-François Pelletier
Funding resource: Proposed study – currently looking for partners and funding
Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START) : Assessment and management tools for short term risk of challenging behaviors for persons with mental disorders or developmental disorders.
The START tool is currently used for people with mental disorders, but less for people with developmental disorders. The implementation study among people with developmental disorders would take place in residential resources with continuous assistance from rehabilitations centers (CRDITED).
Researcher: Anne Crocker
Funding resource: Proposed study – currently looking for partners and funding