June 25, 2015
Section : The Douglas

Bla bla sur l'axe   Projet 1: ejfwoajfeiowajeio (lien internet) Projet 2: eofjwia (lien interenet) autres activites: feiwajfowaj

December 01, 2024
Section : The Douglas

Economic analyses Eric Latimer A cost analysis was performed to evaluate the impact of the HF programs, considering all costs incurred by participants. On average, the intervention cost $22,482 per person per year for high need participants

July 25, 2014
Section : The Douglas

Various instruments play a pivotal part in our work, they are crucial for us to achieve our pursued objectives and to fulfill our mission. Behavior risk assessment and management tools are particularly useful in clinical settings.

July 25, 2014
Section : The Douglas

The interdisciplinary team gathers the expertise of seven researchers and and six collaborators from different fields. 

July 25, 2014
Section : The Douglas

The current research projects target social integration determinants as well as services and assessment tools. 

September 02, 2013
Section : The Douglas

Documentation used by ICM teams in Quebec

January 04, 2012
Section : Mental Health Info

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), includes two official Eating Disorder (ED) syndromes: Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and Bulimia Nervosa (BN). A third diagnosis, Binge Eating Disorder (BED)  is almost certain to be reco

February 01, 2013
Section : The Douglas

The Standard Life Centre evaluates the efficacy of different treatments for depression and prevention methods for depression and suicide in Canadian youth

August 20, 2012
Section : Mental Health Info

Mini-Psych School 2012 > Janina Komaroff will talk about stigma and recovery on the first class October 9.

February 08, 2012
Section : The Douglas

1- Determinants of adequacy of help with regard to the needs of users with severe mental health problems This is a longitudinal study on the relationship between needs and help needed for recovery. This study aims to bring about a better understandi