Section : The Douglas
The Douglas Mental Health University Institute offers cutting-edge care and services and advance and share knowledge in mental health.
Section : Social Media
In collaboration with Heritage Laurentien, the Douglas Institute has put in a new plantation of trees, to replace those who had to be destroyed. This initiative is also conducted by the Ville de Montréal, that has planned to plant 375 000 trees,
Section : Social Media
The Douglas Institute: a leader in research in psychiatry
Section : Social Media
A brief presentation of the Douglas Institute in images
Section : Social Media
A general practitioner from Haiti comes for training at the Douglas Institute
Section : Social Media
Bell Canada donates $2 million to upgrade and expand Douglas Institute Brain Bank
Section : Social Media
A former patient of the Eating Disorder program makes a generous donation to the Douglas Foundation.
Section : Social Media
Isabelle Carrier is a clinician nurse at the Douglas Institute. She talks about her work with her patients (in French).
Section : Social Media
Mental illness is something that people tend to downplay or deny. This video gives it a form.
Section : News
Last May, Accreditation Canada identified as a leading practice the Re-entry into the labor force program developed at the Douglas Institute, a Montréal West Island Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre. This program is conducted in