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The Douglas Institute has a poetry slam, a blog on advertising and mental health, and lectures all on tap during Mental Health Week 2013
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The Douglas has received the 2013 internal communications award of the Association québécoise d'établissements de santé et de services sociaux (AQESSS)
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The Douglas is the first mental health institution to receive this certification
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The Bal des lumières event raised $1.1 million for three Québec mental health organizations Wednesday March 20, at the Bell Centre.
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The Parle-moi d’amour exhibit and auction at the Wellington Centre closed with sales totalling $12,260, or $2,000 more than the target result.
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Prevention and access to care: Priorities for the Douglas
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Snowshoers and cross-country skiers take a break at the Douglas
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The Young Ambassadors enjoy a successful first fund-raising event
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Guests included partners and donors along with members of the SPVM, members of the Boards of Directors, some of our Verdun neighbours.
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Douglas researchers contribute to the Health and Welfare Commissioner's 2012 report on mental health