Section : Mental Health Info
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), includes two official Eating Disorder (ED) syndromes: Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and Bulimia Nervosa (BN). A third diagnosis, Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is almost certain to be reco
Section : Patient care
This conference is the largest and the most complete conference on this topic held in Canada since the IEPA in 2004.
Section : Patient care
There are two inptaient service points in the geriatric psychiatry program of the Douglas Institute.
Section : The Douglas
According to the National Institute of Mental Health (USA), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can develop after an exposure to a terrifying event.
Section : The Douglas
The research group directed by Rob Whitley studies the environmental factors that shape the onset and remission of mental illness.
Section : The Douglas
Training and mentorship - Training and mentorship
Section : The Douglas
Team members of the Mental Health and Society Research Group
Section : The Douglas
Ongoing research projects that the Mental Health and Society Research Group is working on
Section : Mental Health Info
Between head and heart > Mini-Psych School 2011 classes now available online. A video will be published every week.