May 29, 2012
Section : Social Media

The brain is a magnificent complex organ, and many key questions about its function remain unanswered. A class by Véronique Bohbot.

May 10, 2012
Section : Social Media

Interviews with architects of the 2012 Mental Health Strategy for Canada

May 09, 2012
Section : Social Media

Mental health strategy for Canada - Reaction from Anne Crocker (in French)

October 07, 2011
Section : Social Media

Creation of the Standard Life Centre for Breakthroughs in Teen Depression and Suicide Prevention

October 05, 2011
Section : Social Media

Antoine Bertrand supports the Standard Life Centre for Breakthroughs in Teen Depression and Suicide Prevention (in French)

December 13, 2011
Section : Social Media

Paul tells the story of his recovery from major depression.

December 22, 2011
Section : Social Media

Noah tells the story of his recovery from schizophrenia.

January 03, 2012
Section : Social Media

Lorna tells the story of her recovery from bipolar disorder.

December 20, 2011
Section : Social Media

Janet tells the story of her recovery from schizophrenia.

January 03, 2012
Section : Social Media

Ian tells the story of his recovery from schizoaffective disorder.