Section : Mental Health Info
Anxiety is a biological mechanism designed to protect us from dangerous situations. A little anxiety is natural; our reaction to this emotion results in the difference between a pleasant experience and a full-blown panic attack.
Section : Mental Health Info
People with Attention Deficit Disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD) struggle to focus, sit still, or restrain their impulses.
Section : Mental Health Info
Causes and consequences of stress, a state that occurs when the human body experiences a lack of equilibrium, perceived as threatening.
Section : Mental Health Info
Although there is no cure yet, schizophrenia is highly treatable, with early detection and ongoing treatment.
Section : Mental Health Info
Causes and treatments of psychosis, a syndrome associated with a variety of mental, behavioural and emotional problems.
Section : Mental Health Info
Depression is more than just a fleeting emotion. This illness hampers a person's daily functioning, negatively impacting their physical health. However, in most cases depression is treatable.
Section : Mental Health Info
It is estimated that up to 20 percent of Canadian children and youth may be affected by mental illness.
Section : Mental Health Info
Alzheimer's Disease : Causes, symptoms and evolution
Section : Patient care
Treating psychosis involves education, counselling, medication, close monitoring of symptoms, stress management, and a strong, supportive environment.
Section : Patient care
The Depressive and Suicide Disorders Program is a superspecialized (third-line) service for youth and adults who suffer from refractory and/or recurrent major depressive disorder with or without the presence of suicidal behaviour. The program offers cutting-edge treatment for clients and provides support to families to help them interact with the person in difficulty.