Section : Mental Health Info
What do you think about melatonin replacement therapy for sleep problems?
Section : Mental Health Info
When can you determine that medications should be stopped because of side effects?
Section : Mental Health Info
What are the warning signs that you should be looking for in possible eating disorders?
Section : The Douglas
Le sommeil et vous - Mieux dormier, mieux vivre
Section : Patient care
Support group for people suffering from sleep disorders Location: Everywhere in Quebec. Languages: French and English.
Section : Social Media
Until recently, sleep was considered a lack of waking, a lost of time! To the contrary, the lost of sleep can be very harmful to our mental and physical health. And trouble with sleep can lead to circadian rythm disorders. These rhythms can be disrupted by major life events and certain life stages, such as pregnancy and menopause for women. We invite you to watch the presentation by Dr. Diane Boivin M.D., Ph. D., as part of Mini Psych-School 2013. For information on other courses, please go ...
Section : Social Media
Section : Social Media