Section : Patient care
Description: 24/7, help line for suicide-related crisis, no charge, throughout Quebec, intervention for people in crisis; help line, youth program, meet and support person in crisis. Location: Everywhere in Quebec. Languages: French and English.
Section : Social Media
L'Institut Douglas annonce la création du Centre Standard Life pour les avancées en prévention de la dépression et du suicide chez les jeunes. La Standard Life investira un million de dollars pour que ce centre, qui sera dirigé par la pédopsychiatre Johanne Renaud, puisse mener à bien sa mission: améliorer l'accès aux services et évaluer l'efficacité des traitements et des approches en prévention de la dépression et du suicide chez les adolescents canadiens.
Section : Social Media
Kimberly Eyquem, consultante en communication, livre un témoignage émouvant lors du lancement du livre de Monique Séguin, Ph.D. intitulé "Le suicide: le comprendre pour le prévenir" (en anglais) Kimberly Eyquem, communications consultant, makes a moving testimony during the launch of the book "Le suicide: le comprendre pour le prévenir", written by Monique Séguin, PhD. and researcher at the Douglas
Section : The Douglas
Promouvoir la santé mentale dans les pop autoch feowajfwioajfioaef
Section : The Douglas
The At Home/Chez Soi project part two - 2014 to 2015 The second part of the AHCS project is a study funded by the MHCC, which targets all the participants who took part in the first phase of the project in Montréal. Beginning in February 2014, all th
Section : The Douglas
The At Home/Chez Soi project part one - 2009 to 2013 The At Home Chez Soi (AHCS) project is a pan-Canadian study on homelessness and mental illness. This $110 million pragmatic randomized controlled trial was funded by the Mental Health Commission of
Section : The Douglas
Various instruments play a pivotal part in our work, they are crucial for us to achieve our pursued objectives and to fulfill our mission. Behavior risk assessment and management tools are particularly useful in clinical settings.
Section : The Douglas
The interdisciplinary team gathers the expertise of seven researchers and and six collaborators from different fields.