Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Mood, Anxiety and Impulsivity-Related Disorders Research


Brown T., Ouimet M. C., Bhatti J., Smyth T., Wells S., Di Leo I., El Amrani (2012). The neurobiology of driving while impaired with alcohol, .

Bruce K. R., Steiger H., Israël M., Groleau P., Ng Y. K., Ouellette A. S., Sycz L., Badawi G. (2012). Cortisol responses on the dexamethasone suppression test among women with Bulimia-spectrum eating disorders: associations with clinical symptoms, Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 38(2), 241-6. Find out more.

Bui E., Rodgers R. F., Herbert C., Franko D. L., Simon N. M., Birmes P., Brunet A. (2012). The impact of internet coverage of the March 2011 Japan earthquake on sleep and posttraumatic stress symptoms: an international perspective, Am J Psychiatry, 169(2), 221-2. Find out more.

Bullock M., Nadeau L., Renaud J. (2012). Spirituality and Religion in Youth Suicide Attempters' Trajectories of Mental Health Service Utilization: The Year before a Suicide Attempt, Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry = Journal de l'Academie canadienne de psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent, 21(3), 186-193.

Ces A., Reiss D., Walter O., Wichmann J., Prinssen E. P., Kieffer B., Ouagazzal A. M. (2012). Activation of nociceptin/orphanin FQ peptide receptors disrupts visual but not auditory sensorimotor gating in BALB/cByJ mice: comparison to dopamine receptor agonists, Neuropsychopharmacology, 37(2), 378-89. Find out more.

Chachamovich E., Ding Y., Turecki G. (2012). Levels of aggressiveness are higher among alcohol-related suicides: results from a psychological autopsy study, Alcohol, 46(6), 529-36. Find out more.

Chiang C., Jacobsen J. C., Ernst C., Hanscom C., Heilbut A., Blumenthal I., Mills R. E., Kirby A., Lindgren A. M., Rudiger S. R., McLaughlan C. J., Bawden C. S., Reid S. J., Faull R. L., Snell R. G., Hall I. M., Shen Y., Ohsumi T. K., Borowsky M. L., Daly M. J., Lee C., Morton C. C., MacDonald M. E., Gusella J. F., Talkowski M. E. (2012). Complex reorganization and predominant non-homologous repair following chromosomal breakage in karyotypically balanced germline rearrangements and transgenic integration, Nat Genet, 44(4), 390-7, S1. Find out more.

Cohen D., Knafo A., Mirkovic B., Belloncle V., Bapt-Cazalets N., Berthiaume C., Bodeau N., Condat A., Gérardin P., Guilé J.M., Labelle R., Mille C., Renaud J., Breton J.J. (2012). Nouveaux regards sur l’évaluation du risque suicidaire: les facteurs de protection. L’Énigme du suicide à l’adolescence, .

Courtet P. H., Olié E., Jollant F., Guillaume S., Malafosse A. (2012). Sérotonine et vulnérabilité suicidaires : une longue histoire toujours actuelle, , 202-243.

Cruceanu C., Alda M., Grof P., Rouleau G. A., Turecki G. (2012). Synapsin II is involved in the molecular pathway of lithium treatment in bipolar disorder, PLoS One, 7(2), e32680. Find out more.

Dancause K. N., Cao X. J., Veru F., Xu S., Long H., Yu C., Laplante D., Walker C., King S. (2012). Prenatal and early postnatal stress exposure influences long bone length in adult rat offspring, Am J Phys Anthropol. Find out more.

Dancause K. N., Laplante D., Fraser S., Brunet A., Ciampi A., Schmitz N., King S. (2012). Prenatal exposure to a natural disaster increases risk for obesity in 5(1/2)-year-old children, Pediatric Res, 71(1), 126-131. Find out more.

Darcq E., Befort K., Koebel P., Pannetier S., Mahoney M. K., Gaveriaux-Ruff C., Hanauer A., Kieffer B. (2012). RSK2 signaling in medial habenula contributes to acute morphine analgesia, Neuropsychopharmacology, 37(5), 1288-96. Find out more.

Deguigne F., Jollant F., Lhuillier J. P., Garre J. B., Richard-Devantoy S. (2012). A same deficit of cognitive inhibition in early and late-onset depression in elderly women: a pilot study, Geriatr Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil, 10(3), 255-265. Find out more.

Del Boca C., Lutz P. E., Le Merrer J., Koebel P., Kieffer B. (2012). Cholecystokinin knock-down in the basolateral amygdala has anxiolytic and antidepressant-like effects in mice, Neuroscience, 218, 185-95. Find out more.

Dijk D. J., Duffy J. F., Silva E. J., Shanahan T. L., Boivin D., Czeisler C. A. (2012). Amplitude reduction and phase shifts of melatonin, cortisol and other circadian rhythms after a gradual advance of sleep and light exposure in humans, PLoS ONE, 7(2), e30037. Find out more.

Domenger D., Dea D., Theroux L., Moquin L., Gratton A., Poirier J. (2012). The MPTP neurotoxic lesion model of Parkinson's disease activates the apolipoprotein E cascade in the mouse brain, Exp Neurol, 233(1), 513-522. Find out more.

Dominguez-Borras J., Saj A., Armony J., Vuilleumier P. (2012). Emotional processing and its impact on unilateral neglect and extinction, Neuropsychologia, 50(6), 1054-71. Find out more.

Dubosc A., Capitaine M., Franko D. L., Bui E., Brunet A., Chabrol H., Rodgers R. F. (2012). Early adult sexual assault and disordered eating: the mediating role of posttraumatic stress symptoms, J Trauma Stress, 25(1), 50-6. Find out more.

Erbs E., Faget L., Scherrer G., Kessler P., Hentsch D., Vonesch J. L., Matifas A., Kieffer B., Massotte D. (2012). Distribution of delta opioid receptor-expressing neurons in the mouse hippocampus, Neuroscience, 221, 203-13. Find out more.

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