Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Mood, Anxiety and Impulsivity-Related Disorders Research


Walker C., Naef L., d'Asti E., Long H., Xu Z., Moreau A., Azeddine B. (2008). Perinatal maternal fat intake affects metabolism and hippocampal function in the offspring: a potential role for leptin, Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1144, 189-202.

Walker C., Naef L., d’Asti E., Long H., Xu Z. (2008). Maternal fat intake and offspring brain development: focus on the mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system . In Bridges R. (Ed.) , Neurobiology of the Parental Brain (pp. 293-300). Academic Press.

Walker C., Xu Z., Rochford J., Johnston C. C. (2008). Naturally occurring variations in maternal care modulate the effects of repeated neonatal pain on behavioral sensitivity to thermal pain in the adult offspring, Pain, 140(1), 167-76.

Wonderlich S. A., Mitchell J. E., de Zwaan M., Steiger H. (2008). Annual Review of Eating Disorders, Part 2 . Radcliffe Publishing Ltd.

Wong T., Howland J. G., Wang Y. T. (2008). Glutamate: NMDA receptors and disease . In Adelman G. & Smith B. H. (Eds.) , New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience . Elsevier Press.

Xiong L., Levchenko A., Montplaisir J., Riviere J. B., Thibodeau P., St-Onge J., Gaspar C., Desautels A., Lesperance P., Chouinard S., Turecki G., Rouleau G. A. (2008). Genetic association studies of neurotensin gene and restless legs syndrome in French Canadians, Sleep Med, 9(3), 273-82.


Aguilar-Valles A., Poole S., Mistry Y., Williams S., Luheshi G. (2007). Attenuated fever in rats during late pregnancy is linked to suppressed interleukin-6 production after localized inflammation with turpentine, J Physiol, 583(Pt 1), 391-403.

Armony J., Chochol C., Fecteau S., Belin P. (2007). Laugh (or Cry) and You Will Be Remembered: Influence of Emotional Expression on Memory for Vocalizations, Psychol Sci, 18(12), 1027-9.

Armony J., Sergerie K. (2007). Own-sex effects in emotional memory for faces, Neurosci Lett, 426(1), 1-5.

Ashdown H., Poole S., Boksa P., Luheshi G. (2007). Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist as a modulator of gender differences in the febrile response to lipopolysaccharide in rats, Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 292(4), R1667-74.

Bagot R., Parent C., Bredy T.W., Zhang T.Y., Gratton A., Meaney M. (2007). Developmental origins of neurobiological vulnerability for PTSD . In L.J. Kirmayer, R. Lemelson, M. Barad (Ed.) , Understanding Trauma: Integrating Biological, Clinical and Cultural Perspectives (pp. 98-117). .

Baptista T., Davila A., El Fakih Y., Uzcategui E., Rangel N. N., Olivares Y., Galeazzi T., Vargas D., Pena R., Marquina D., Villarroel V., Teneud L., Beaulieu S. (2007). Similar frequency of abnormal correlation between serum leptin levels and BMI before and after olanzapine treatment in schizophrenia, Int Clin Psychopharmacol, 22(4), 205-11.

Baptista T., Martinez M., Lacruz A., Arellano A., Mendoza S., Beaulieu S., Hernandez L., Contreras Q., Galeazzi T., Vargas D. (2007). Insulin resistance index and counter-regulatory factors during olanzapine or risperidone administration in subjects with schizophrenia, Schizophr Res, 89(1-3), 350-2.

Baptista T., Rangel N., Fernandez V., Carrizo E., El Fakih Y., Uzcategui E., Galeazzi T., Gutierrez M. A., Servigna M., Davila A., Uzcategui M., Serrano A., Connell L., Beaulieu S., de Baptista E. A. (2007). Metformin as an adjunctive treatment to control body weight and metabolic dysfunction during olanzapine administration: a multicentric, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Schizophr Res, 93(1-3), 99-108.

Baptista T., Sandia I., Lacruz A., Rangel N., de Mendoza S., Beaulieu S., Contreras Q., Galeazzi T., Vargas D. (2007). Insulin counter-regulatory factors, fibrinogen and C-reactive protein during olanzapine administration: effects of the antidiabetic metformin, Int Clin Psychopharmacol, 22(2), 69-76.

Baud P., Courtet P., Perroud N., Jollant F., Buresi C., Malafosse A. (2007). Catechol-O-methyltransferase polymorphism (COMT) in suicide attempters: a possible gender effect on anger traits, Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet, 144B(8), 1042-7. Find out more.

Berlim M. T., Turecki G. (2007). Definition, assessment, and staging of treatment-resistant refractory major depression: a review of current concepts and methods, Can J Psychiatry, 52(1), 46-54.

Berlim M. T., Turecki G. (2007). What is the meaning of treatment resistant/refractory major depression (TRD)? A systematic review of current randomized trials, Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 17(11), 696-707.

Berlim M. T., Turecki G. (2007). Using psychostimulants for treating residual symptoms in major depression, J Psychiatry Neurosci, 32(4), 304.

Berlim M., Pargendler J., Brenner J., Fleck M. P. (2007). Significant improvement in the quality of life of Brazilian depressed outpatients 12 weeks following the start of antidepressants, Psychiatry Res, 153(3), 253-9. Find out more.

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