Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Mood, Anxiety and Impulsivity-Related Disorders Research


Séguin M., Lesage A., Guy A., Daigle F., Turecki G. (2006). Study of Suicide Cases in New Brunswick from April 2002 to May 2003: The Importance of Better Recognizing Substance and Mood Disorder Comorbidity, Can J Psychiatry, 51, 581-587.

Tu M. T., Lupien S. J., Walker C. (2006). Multiparity reveals the blunting effect of breastfeeding on physiological reactivity to psychological stress, J Neuroendocrinol, 18(7), 494-503.

Tu M. T., Lupien S. J., Walker C. (2006). Diurnal salivary cortisol levels in postpartum mothers as a function of infant feeding choice and parity, Psychoneuroendocrinology.

Turecki G. (2006). The biological underpinnings of suicide: current evidence and future outlook, Psychiatr Danub, 18 Suppl 1, 31.

Turecki G., Sequeira A., Klempan T., Canetti L., Gingras Y. (2006). Global brain expression patterns in suicide, Psychiatr Danub, 18 Suppl 1, 101.

Vaiva G., Boss V., Ducrocq F., Fontaine M., Devos P., Brunet A., Laffargue P., Goudemand M., Thomas P. (2006). Relationship between posttrauma GABA plasma levels and PTSD at 1-year follow-up, Am J Psychiatry, 163(8), 1446-8.

Walwyn W. M., Wei W., Xie C. W., Chiu K., Kieffer B., Evans C. J., Maidment N. T. (2006). Mu opioid receptor-effector coupling and trafficking in dorsal root ganglia neurons, Neuroscience, 142(2), 493-503. Find out more.

Wonderlich S. A., Mitchell J. E., de Zwaan M., Steiger H. (2006). Annual Review of Eating Disorders, Part 2 . Radcliffe Publishing Ltd.

Wong T., Marchese G., Casu M. A., Ribeiro-da-Silva A., Cuello A. C., De Koninck Y. (2006). Imbalance towards inhibition as a substrate of aging-associated cognitive impairment, Neurosci Lett, 397(1-2), 64-8.

Yatham L. N., Kennedy S. H., O'Donovan C., Parikh S. V., MacQueen G., McIntyre R. S., Sharma V., Beaulieu S. (2006). Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) guidelines for the management of patients with bipolar disorder: update 2007, Bipolar Disord, 8(6), 721-39.

Zouk H., Tousignant M., Séguin M., Lesage A., Turecki G. (2006). Characterization of impulsivity in suicide completers: clinical, behavioral and psychosocial dimensions, J Affect Disord, 92(2-3), 195-204.

Zweig-Frank H., Paris J., Ng Ying Kin N. M., Schwartz G., Steiger H., Nair N. (2006). Childhood sexual abuse in relation to neurobiological challenge tests in patients with borderline personality disorder and normal controls, Psychiatry Res, 141(3), 337-41.

Zweig-Frank H., Paris J., Ng Ying Kin N. M., Schwartz G., Steiger H., Vasavan Nair N. P. (2006). Childhood sexual abuse in relation to neurobiological challenge tests in patients with borderline personality disorder and normal controls, Psychiatry Res, 141(3), 337-41.


Alda M., Grof P., Rouleau G. A., Turecki G., Young L. T. (2005). Investigating responders to lithium prophylaxis as a strategy for mapping susceptibility genes for bipolar disorder, Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry .

Armony J., Corbo V., Clement M. H., Brunet A. (2005). Amygdala Response in Patients With Acute PTSD to Masked and Unmasked Emotional Facial Expressions, Am J Psychiatry , 162 (10 ), 1961-3.

Ashdown H., Dumont Y., Ng Ying Kin N. M., Poole S., Boksa P., Luheshi G. (2005). The role of cytokines in mediating effects of prenatal infection on the fetus: implications for schizophrenia, Mol Psychiatry .

Baptista T., De Mendoza S., Beaulieu S., Bermùdez A., Martinez M. (2005). Metabolic Syndrome during Atypical Anti-Psychotic Drug Treatment: Mechanisms and Management, Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders , 2 (4 ), 290-307.

Barden N., Shink E., Labbe A., Vacher R., Rochford J., Mocaer E. (2005). Antidepressant action of agomelatine (S 20098) in a transgenic mouse model, Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry , 29 (6 ), 908-16.

Berlim M., Pavanello D. P., Caldieraro M. A., Fleck M. P. (2005). Reliability and validity of the WHOQOL BREF in a sample of Brazilian outpatients with major depression, Qual Life Res, 14(2), 561-4. Find out more.

Birmes P. J., Brunet A., Coppin-Calmes D., Arbus C., Coppin D., Charlet J. P., Vinnemann N., Juchet H., Lauque D., Schmitt L. (2005). Brief reports: symptoms of peritraumatic and acute traumatic stress among victims of an industrial disaster, Psychiatr Serv , 56 (1 ), 93-5.

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