Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Troubles de l'humeur, d'anxiété et d'impulsivité


Goldberg K., Norman R., Hoch J., Schmitz N., Windell D., Brown T., Malla A. (2006). Impact of a specialized early intervention service for psychotic disorders on patient characteristics, service use, and hospital costs in a defined catchment area, Can J Psychiatry, 51(14), 895-903.

Holm-Denoma J. M., Berlim M., Fleck M. P., Joiner T. E. (2006). Double depression in adult psychiatric outpatients in Brazil: distinct from major depression?, Psychiatry Res, 144(2-3), 191-6. En savoir plus.

Inoue W., Poole S., Bristow A. F., Luheshi G. (2006). Leptin induces cyclooxygenase-2 via an interaction with interleukin-1beta in the rat brain, Eur J Neurosci, 24(8), 2233-2245.

Lalovic A., Levy E., Luheshi G., Canetti L., Grenier E., Sequeira A., Turecki G. (2006). Cholesterol content in brains of suicide completers, Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 1-8.

Leonhardt M., Matthews S. G., Meaney M., Walker C. (2006). Psychological stressors as a model of maternal adversity: Diurnal modulation of corticosterone responses and changes in maternal behavior, Horm Behav.

Levchenko A., Provost S., Montplaisir J. Y., Xiong L., St-Onge J., Thibodeau P., Riviere J. B., Desautels A., Turecki G., Dube M. P., Rouleau G. A. (2006). A novel autosomal dominant restless legs syndrome locus maps to chromosome 20p13, Neurology, 67(5), 900-1.

Lise M. F., Wong T., Trinh A., Hines R. M., Liu L., Kang R., Hines D. J., Lu J., Goldenring J. R., Wang Y. T., El-Husseini A. (2006). Involvement of myosin Vb in glutamate receptor trafficking, J Biol Chem, 281(6), 3669-78.

Lopez de Lara C., Dumais A., Rouleau G., Lesage A., Dumont M., Chawky N., Alda M., Benkelfat C., Turecki G. (2006). STin2 variant and family history of suicide as significant predictors of suicide completion in major depression, Biol Psychiatry, 59(2), 114-20.

Marchand A., Bousquet-DesGroseilliers I., Brunet A. (2006). Psychotraumatismes: Stratégies d’intervention psychothérapique postimmédiates [Psychological Trauma: Acute Intevention Strategies] . Dans Guay S. & Marchand A (Éds.) , Les troubles liés aux événements traumatiques: Dépistage, évaluation et traitements (pp. 165-190). Presses de l`Université de Montréal.

Marinelli P. W., Lam M., Bai L., Quirion R., Gianoulakis C. (2006). A microdialysis profile of dynorphin a release in the rat nucleus accumbens following alcohol administration, Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 30(6), 982-90.

Martel C., Brunet A. (2006). L’intervention psychosociale lors de sinistres [Psychosocial Intervention in the aftermath of disaster] . Dans Séguin M., Leblanc L., Brunet A. & Séguin M. (Éds.) , Intervention en situation de crise et en contexte traumatique . Gaëtan Morin Éditeur.

McGirr A., Renaud J., Séguin M., Alda M., Benkelfat C., Lesage A., Turecki G. (2006). An examination of DSM-IV depressive symptoms and risk for suicide completion in major depressive disorder: A psychological autopsy study, J Affect Disord.

McGirr A., Seguin M., Renaud J., Benkelfat C., Alda M., Turecki G. (2006). Gender and risk factors for suicide: evidence for heterogeneity in predisposing mechanisms in a psychological autopsy study, The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 67(10), 1612-7.

McGirr A., Tousignant M., Routhier D., Pouliot L., Chawky N., Margolese H. C., Turecki G. (2006). Risk factors for completed suicide in schizophrenia and other chronic psychotic disorders: a case-control study, Schizophr Res, 84(1), 132-43.

Merg F., Filliol D., Usynin I., Bazov I., Bark N., Hurd Y. L., Yakovleva T., Kieffer B., Bakalkin G. (2006). Big dynorphin as a putative endogenous ligand for the kappa-opioid receptor, J Neurochem, 97(1), 292-301. En savoir plus.

Nadal X., Banos J. E., Kieffer B., Maldonado R. (2006). Neuropathic pain is enhanced in delta-opioid receptor knockout mice, Eur J Neurosci, 23(3), 830-4. En savoir plus.

Olson A.K., Eadie B.D., Ernst C., Christie B.R. (2006). Environmental enrichment and voluntary exercise massively increase neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus via dissociable pathways, Hippocampus, 16(3), 250-260. En savoir plus.

Pepler C. J., Edgar L., Frisch S., Rennick J., Swidzinski M., White C., Brown T., Gross J. (2006). Strategies to Increase Research-based Practice: Interplay With Unit Culture, Clin Nurse Spec, 20(1), 23-31.

Peterson J. B., Conrod P., Vassileva J., Gianoulakis C., Pihl R. (2006). Differential effects of Naltrexone on cardiac, subjective and behavioural reactions to acute ethanol intoxication, J Psychiatry Neurosci, 31(6), 386-393.

Poundja J., Fikretoglu D., Brunet A. (2006). The co-occurrence of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and pain: Is depression a mediator?, J Trauma Stress, 19(5), 747-51.

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