Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Services, Policy and Population Health Research


Shikako-Thomas K., Shevell M., Lach L., Law M., Schmitz N., Poulin C., Majnemer A. (2013). Picture me playing-a portrait of participation and enjoyment of leisure activities in adolescents with cerebral palsy, Res Dev Disabil, 34(3), 1001-10. Find out more.

Shikako-Thomas K., Shevell M., Lach L., Law M., Schmitz N., Poulin C., Majnemer A. (2013). Are you doing what you want to do? Leisure preferences of adolescents with cerebral palsy, Dev Neurorehabil. Find out more.

Shikako-Thomas K., Shevell M., Schmitz N., Lach L., Law M., Poulin C., Majnemer A. (2013). Determinants of participation in leisure activities among adolescents with cerebral palsy, Res Dev Disabil, 34(9), 2621-34. Find out more.

Smith K. J., Beland M., Clyde M., Gariepy G., Page V., Badawi G., Rabasa-Lhoret R., Schmitz N. (2013). Association of diabetes with anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis, J Psychosom Res, 74(2), 89-99. Find out more.

Smith K. J., Gariepy G., Pedneault M., Beland M., Clyde M., Schmitz N. (2013). Exploring the association of psychological status with self-rated diabetes control: results from the montreal evaluation of diabetes treatment study, Psychosomatics, 54(1), 35-43. Find out more.

Thakur G. A., Sengupta S. M., Grizenko N., Schmitz N., Page V., Joober R. (2013). Maternal smoking during pregnancy and ADHD: a comprehensive clinical and neurocognitive characterization, Nicotine Tob Res, 15(1), 149-57. Find out more.

Vasiliadis H. M., Dionne P. A., Preville M., Gentil L., Berbiche D., Latimer E. (2013). The Excess Healthcare Costs Associated With Depression and Anxiety in Elderly Living in the Community, Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. Find out more.

Vasiliadis H. M., Latimer E., Dionne P. A., Preville M. (2013). The costs associated with antidepressant use in depression and anxiety in community-living older adults, Can J Psychiatry, 58(4), 201-9. Find out more.

Wang J. L., Manuel D., Williams J., Schmitz N., Gilmour H., Patten S., MacQueen G., Birney A. (2013). Development and validation of prediction algorithms for major depressive episode in the general population, J Affect Disord, 151(1), 39-45. Find out more.

Whitley R. (2013). Fear and loathing in New England: examining the health-care perspectives of homeless people in rural areas, Anthropology & Medicine, 20(3), 232-243. Find out more.

Whitley R., Berry S. (2013). Analyzing media representations of mental illness: lessons learnt from a national project, J Ment Health, 22(3), 246-253. Find out more.

Whitley R., Berry S. (2013). Trends in newspaper coverage of mental illness in Canada: 2005-2010, Can J Psychiatry, 58(2), 107-112. Find out more.


Ambrosini D., Bemme D., Crocker A. G., Latimer E. (2012). Narratives of Individuals Concerning Psychiatric Advance Directives: Qualitative Study, J Ethics Ment Health, 6(1), 1-9.

Ambrosini D., Bemme D., Crocker A., Latimer E. A. (2012). Narratives of Individuals Concerning Psychiatric Advance Directives: Qualitative Study, J Ethics Ment Health, 6(1), 1-9.

Andrade M. C., Bandeira M., Perreault M., Angelico A. P., de Oliveira M. S. (2012). The Relationship Between Symptomatic Changes and Perceived Improvement Among Patients Treated in Brazilian Community Mental Health Services, Psychiatr Q. Find out more.

Badawi G., Gariepy G., Page V., Schmitz N. (2012). Indicators of self-rated health in the Canadian population with diabetes, Diabet Med, 29(8), 1021-8. Find out more.

Badawi G., Gariepy G., Schmitz N. (2012). Self-rated health in diabetes: Should the question be the first administered?, Diabetes Res Clin Prac, 97(2), e27-30. Find out more.

Beaulieu S., Saury S., Sareen J., Tremblay J., Schutz C. G., McIntyre R. S., Schaffer A. (2012). The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) task force recommendations for the management of patients with mood disorders and comorbid substance use disorders, Ann Clin Psychiatry, 24(1), 38-55. Find out more.

Brown T., Dongier M., Ouimet M.C., Tremblay J., Chanut F., Legault L., Ying Kin N. (2012). The role of demographic characteristics and readiness to change in 12-month outcome from two distinct brief interventions for impaired drivers, J Subst Abuse Treat, 42(4), 383-391. Find out more.

Caron J., Fleury M., Perreault M., Crocker A., Tremblay J., Tousignant M., Kestens Y., Cargo M., Daniel M. (2012). Prevalence of psychological distress and mental disorders, and use of mental health services in the epidemiological catchment area of Montreal South-West, BMC Psychiatry, 12(1), 183. Find out more.

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