Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Services, Policy and Population Health Research


Perreault N., Perreault M., Denoncourt I., Fleury M. (2012). L’intégration des services dans le domaine de la toxicomanie et de la santé mentale: établissement d’un continuum prévention – traitement (Chapitre 3) . In Brochu, S.; Landry, M.; Patenaude, C. (Ed.) , L'intégration des services en toxicomanie (pp. 55-79). Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval.

Piat M., Boyer R., Cloutier S., Fleury M., Lesage A. (2012). Les conditions d’hébergement favorables au rétablissement : perspective des usagers et usagères, Revue canadienne de santé mentale communautaire, 30(1), 67-85.

Piat M., Lal S. (2012). Service providers' experiences and perspectives on recovery-oriented mental health system reform, Psychiatr Rehabil J, 35(4), 289-296. Find out more.

Piat M., Sabetti J. (2012). Recovery in Canada: toward social equality, Int Rev Psychiatry, 24(1), 19-28. Find out more.

Smith K. J., Page V., Gariepy G., Beland M., Badawi G., Schmitz N. (2012). Self-rated diabetes control in a Canadian population with type 2 diabetes: Associations with health behaviours and outcomes, Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 95(1), 162-168. Find out more.

Strychar I., Elisha B., Schmitz N. (2012). Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management: Role of Diet Self-Efficacy, Can J Diabetes, 36(6), 337-344.

Vanasse A., Courteau J., Fleury M., Gregoire J.P., Lesage A., Moisan J. (2012). Treatment prevalence and incidence of schizophrenia in Quebec using a population health services perspective: different algorithms, different estimates, Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 47(4), 533-543. Find out more.

Vanasse A., Courteau J., Lesage A., Fleury M., Gregoire J. P., Moisan J., Lauzier S., Bergeron C. (2012). [Inegalites de sante des troubles de l'humeur selon la defavorisation materielle et sociale du quartier de residence.], Can J Psychiatry, 57(12), 772-781. Find out more.

Wang J. L., Patten S. B., Currie S., Sareen J., Schmitz N. (2012). Predictors of 1-year outcomes of major depressive disorder among individuals with a lifetime diagnosis: a population-based study, Psychol Med, 42(2), 327-34. Find out more.

Wang J., Patten S. B., Currie S., Sareen J., Schmitz N. (2012). A Population-based Longitudinal Study on Work Environmental Factors and the Risk of Major Depressive Disorder, Am J Epidemiol, 176(1), 52-9. Find out more.

Wang J., Patten S., Currie S., Sareen J., Schmitz N. (2012). Business mergers and acquisitions and the risk of mental disorders: a population-based study, Occup Environ Med, 69(8), 569-73. Find out more.

Wang J., Smailes E., Sareen J., Schmitz N., Fick G., Patten S. (2012). Three job-related stress models and depression: a population-based study, Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 47(2), 185-93. Find out more.

Whitley R. (2012). "Thank you God": religion and recovery from dual diagnosis among low-income African Americans, Transcult Psychiatry, 49(1), 87-104. Find out more.

Whitley R. (2012). The antipsychiatry movement: dead, diminishing, or developing?, Psychiatr Serv, 63(10), 1039-41. Find out more.

Whitley R. (2012). Religious competence as cultural competence, Transcult Psychiatry, 49(2), 245-60. Find out more.

Whitley R., Siantz E. (2012). Best practices: recovery centers for people with a mental illness: an emerging best practice?, Psychiatr Serv, 63(1), 10-12. Find out more.

Whitley R., Strickler D., Drake R.E. (2012). Recovery centers for people with severe mental illness: a survey of programs, Community Ment Health J, 48(5), 547-556. Find out more.

Wu C. Y., Whitley R., Stewart R., Liu S. I. (2012). Pathways to care and help-seeking experience prior to self-harm: a qualitative study in Taiwan, J Nurs Res, 20(1), 32-41. Find out more.


Barre L.K., Ferron J.C., Davis K.E., Whitley R. (2011). Healthy eating in persons with serious mental illnesses: understanding and barriers, Psychiatr Rehabil J, 34(4), 304-310. Find out more.

Brunet A., Ashbaugh A.R., Saumier D., Nelson M., Pitman R.K., Tremblay J., Roullet P., Birmes P. (2011). Does reconsolidation occur in humans: a reply, Front Behav Neurosci, 5, 74. Find out more.

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